Fourteenth Annual Festival Schedule Fills In RECORD Time!

We'll see you at TCMF 14! Todd Sloan, Kat Brotherton and Herb Holland


Thanks to everybody who responded so quickly to our call for artists this year! We're delighted and humbled by the regard you have for the Texas Community Music Festival.

If your group was unable to land a spot on the schedule, you will be automatically added to a waiting list and should an opening arise (they always do), we'll reach back around to you.

Additionally, we'll soon be opening registration back up for our 15-minute showcase sets, just perfect for small groups and mid sized groups that require little or no sound equipment.

Solo performers will be booked for up to two 15-minute showcase sets. We will open applications for those sets after the holidays.

If you applied for our one-hour performance sets, please check the schedule to confirm your assigned time.

All performances will be at Central Market North, 4001 N. Lamar, in Austin.

And remember, EVERY performance EVERY night at EVERY venue is family friendly and FREE!

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