Check out the 2010 TCMF live recordings!
Folks, Cactus Patch Studios has done a masterful job recording the sets from the 2010 Texas Community Music Festival! MASTERFUL! Click here to go to the site.
I want to thank Jim Schwobel of ACWE for doing such an outstanding job of MC’ing the weekend’s performances at Central Market. And thanks again to Central Market for having us again and to all of the outstanding musicians for donating their time to perform for the people of Central Texas!
Go to the following link and listen to excerpts from the 2010 festival. AND BUY CDS! This is great stuff and probably the best opportunity all of our bands have of snagging high quality professional recordings of our performance. Please excuse the odd grackle and screaming toddler. This is all great stuff!
Oh yeah! TCMF continues Monday night at 6:30 pm at Scholz Garten and ends Thursdya night at 6:30 at Scholz with clarinets and then… the 2010 premiere of the world-infamous WURST BAND!
Ein Prosit!